To service the residents of Tatamagouche, water is drawn from the French River before it is treated and distributed to customers, while Debert uses groundwater from two wells.

The areas where water is captured are referred to as ‘watersheds.’ These watershed areas must be protected from spills, pesticides, fertilizers and other things which could impact the quality of water.

Both areas have Source Water Protection Committees which help to monitor activities within the watersheds. For more information on the watershed boundaries, click on the maps below:

French River Source Water Protection

The French River Source Water Protection Committee is responsible for helping to develop a Source Water Protection Plan for the Tatamagouche Water Utility and provide the Utility with advice on matters concerning protection of the raw water source (French River).

The Committee consists of members of Council, representatives from the Watershed area, Village Commission and the North Shore River Restoration Group.

  pdf Timeline Summary of the French River Source Water Protection Plan (205 KB)



Debert Source Water Protection

The Debert Source Water Protection Committee is responsible for helping to develop a Source Water Protection Plan for the Debert Water Utility and provide the Utility with advice on matters concerning protection of the raw water source.
The Committee consists of members of Council, representatives for the residents and commercial establishments within the service delivery area, and a representative from the First Nations Community.