Who Owns My Road?

Did you know that not all roads within the County are owned and maintained by the County? The colour of the road name sign identifies who owns the road and is responsible for its maintenance.

green provincial signGreen Signs

Provincially Owned - contact Nova Scotia Public Works at 1-844-696-7737 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

blue county signBlue Signs

Municipally Owned - contact our Public Works Office at 902-897-3175 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

white private signWhite Signs

Privately Owned - maintained by the residents living on the road

Who Plows My Road?

While colour of your road name sign determines who owns it and provides regular maintenance, this may not be the case when it comes to winter snowplowing. The County and Province have an agreement in place to share snow removal services to save costs and time required for cleanup after storms.

The County provides snow removal services on the following roads. If you have a snowplowing comment or concern on one of these roads, please contact the County Public Works Office at 902-897-3175 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Armstrong Ave Ashford Crt Markland Crt Acadia Ave
Austin Ave Austin Ave McCabe St Bonaventure Pl
Brite Ave Beaumont Crt McCallum Dr Bristol Cres
Clover Dr Briarfield Crt Mulberry Terr Clinton Dr
Covington PI Burris Dr Mystic Dr Dieppe Ave
Dunromin Ave Cambridge Dr Oxford Crt Dresden Way
East Court Rd Carleton Crt Parkside Dr Fairchild PI
Fenwood Ave Cassandra Crt Robin Rd Hawker Rd
Fern Hill Dr Coldstream Dr Roxford Crt Lockheed Cres
Fielding Ave Connor Pl Runway Crt Mercury Dr
Forest Hill Dr Cornerstone Dr Sandy PI Messina Dr
Fox Hill Dr Delaney Dr Sillery Dr Palaeo Dr
Greenvale Crt Eaton Dr Silverwood Dr Passchendaele Ave
Justamere Dr Edgehill Dr Sunset Ln Ventura Dr
Meadowland Ave Englewood Crt Teviot Pl Vickers St
Murdock Dr Hidden Valley Dr Thrush Ln Vimy Rd
Osprey Crt Hillridge Dr Tie St  
Pheasant Run Hillvale Dr Tower View Dr UPPER ONSLOW
Raptor Way Homestead Dr Vernon St Hub Centre Dr
Retson Dr Huckleberry Ln Village Line Ave  
Summit Ave Kay Crt Weston Dr LOWER TRURO
Talon Crt Krystal Dr Wexford Dr Tidal Bore Rd
Village Line Ave Lexington Dr Wood Grove Dr  


Who Plows My Road?

Explore our snow plow map application to learn who plows your road. Search by civic number, Parcel Identifier (PID Number), or street name.


Who Maintains My Road?

Explore our new road mapping application to learn who maintains your road. Search by civic number, Parcel Identifier (PID Number), or street name.

If you do not see your road on this list, it is plowed by Nova Scotia Public Works (NSPW) with the exception of any privately owned roads (white signs). Residents living on private roads are responsible for their own snow removal. You can contact NSPW at 1-844-696-7737 or by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

How Can I Get a Driveway Permit?

  • You require a permit to install a new driveway on a county-owned road.
  • Driveway permits are free of charge and can be obtained by contacting our Community Development Office at 902-897-3170.
  • For new driveways on Provincial Owned Roads, contact Nova Scotia Public Works at 1-844-696-7737 or by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Can I Fill in My Ditch?

  • Roads Driveways Infilled DitchResidents living along a County Owned Road who wish to fill in the ditch in front of their home must obtain a permit from the Public Works Office. The no-fee permit will be issued by our Engineer and will include details on how to carry out the work.
  • Fill out an application below and submit to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.