
Folder By-laws

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pdf Accounts By-law - Chapter 16 (October 1991) ( pdf, 18 KB )
pdf Adult Entertainment Establishment By-law - Chapter 55 (January 2020) ( pdf, 597 KB )
pdf Building Code By law - Chapter-30 (January 2020) ( pdf, 351 KB )
pdf By-law to Dissolve Tatamagouche Business Improvement District Commission - Chapter 45 (March 1999) ( pdf, 17 KB )
pdf Central Colchester Land Use By-law - Chapter 40 ( pdf, 5.47 MB )
pdf Central Colchester Land Use Bylaw Chapter 40 Zoning Maps ( pdf, 6.97 MB )
pdf Central Colchester Municipal Planning Strategy Chapter 39 ( pdf, 6.30 MB )
pdf Central Colchester Municipal Planning Strategy Chapter 39 Future Land Use Maps ( pdf, 5.28 MB )
pdf Civic Addressing By-law Chapter 17 (August 2022) ( pdf, 268 KB )
pdf Commercial Dog Care Kennel Facility By-law - Chapter 36 (January 2020) ( pdf, 398 KB )
pdf Construction and Demolition By-law - Chapter 57(January 2020) ( pdf, 397 KB )
pdf Dangerous or Unsightly Procedures By-law Chapter 21 (April 2023) ( pdf, 444 KB )
pdf Day care Commercial tax Reduction Bylaw - Chapter 38 (December 2004) ( pdf, 7 KB )
pdf Deed Transfer Tax By-law - Chapter 34 (April 2009) ( pdf, 38 KB )
pdf Disposal of Hazardous Substances By-law - Chapter 58(July 2019) ( pdf, 438 KB )
pdf Disposal of Hazardous Substances Policy (July 2019) ( pdf, 96 KB )
pdf Dog By-law Chapter 35 (March 2024) ( pdf, 169 KB )
pdf False Alarm By-law - Chapter 10 (March 2011) ( pdf, 88 KB )
pdf Fireworks By-law - Chapter 15 (November 2023) ( pdf, 226 KB )
pdf Heritage Property By-law - Chapter 54 (October 1991) ( pdf, 85 KB )
pdf Intermunicipal Planning Strategy or Inter-jurisdictional Properties ( pdf, 2.98 MB )
pdf Interpretation By-law - Chapter 1 (October 1991) ( pdf, 19 KB )
pdf Land Lease Development By-law - Chapter 28 (January 2020) ( pdf, 4.53 MB )
pdf Livestock Control By-law Chapter 14 (August 2016) ( pdf, 414 KB )
pdf Local Improvement By Law Chapter 26 (January 2014) ( pdf, 231 KB )
pdf Marketing Levy By-law Chapter 19 (April 2023) ( pdf, 400 KB )
pdf Municipal Elections By-law - Chapter 18 (September 2020) ( pdf, 173 KB )
pdf Municipal Holiday By-law - Chapter 8 (April 2000) ( pdf, 11 KB )
pdf Neighbourhood Nuisance By-law - Chapter 2 (May 2024) ( pdf, 351 KB )
pdf Outdoor Fire By-law - Chapter 9 (June 2023) ( pdf, 377 KB )
pdf Penalties By-law (February 2007) ( pdf, 7 KB )
pdf Regional Emergency Management By-law - Chapter 42 (March 2015) ( pdf, 235 KB )
pdf Remuneration for Council By-law - Chapter 4 (March 2022) ( pdf, 397 KB )
pdf Repeal of By-laws - Chapter 3 (March 2007) ( pdf, 6 KB )
pdf Septic Waste Disposal By-law - Chapter 11 (January 2020) ( pdf, 355 KB )
pdf Sewer Use By law Chapter 29 (May 2024) ( pdf, 1.20 MB )
pdf Solar Colchester PACE By-law - Chapter 24 (September 2021) ( pdf, 249 KB )
pdf Solid Waste By-law - Chapter 33 (September 2020) ( pdf, 301 KB )
pdf Subdivision By-law - Chapter 25 ( pdf, 382 KB )
default Tax Exemption By law with list - Chapter 37 (April 2023) ( pdf, 246 KB )
pdf Taxi By law - Chapter 20 (March 2015) ( pdf, 262 KB )
pdf Vendors By-law Chapter 12 (April 2016) ( pdf, 481 KB )
pdf Village of Tatamagouche Land Use Bylaw Chapter 6 ( pdf, 564 KB )
pdf Village of Tatamagouche Municipal Planning Strategy Chapter 5 ( pdf, 344 KB )
pdf Warden, Deputy Warden & Municipal Officers - Chapter 7 (September 1997) ( pdf, 25 KB )
pdf Wind Turbine Development By law (September 2023) ( pdf, 339 KB )
pdf Wind Turbine Development By-law Citizens' Monitoring Committee Terms of Reference (August 2023) ( pdf, 79 KB )
pdf Wind Turbine Development By-law - Sound Monitoring Compliance Policy (June 2014) ( pdf, 181 KB )