Plan It Colchester
In 2023 the Municipality of Colchester launched Plan It Colchester - a project to develop a County-Wide Municipal Planning Strategy (MPS) and Land Use Bylaw (LUB). Much of the County is unplanned, resulting in an organic form of growth and development over the years. Colchester, like the rest of Nova Scotia, has seen a recent population increase, and with a growing population comes pressure for new development. Without planning in place, communities have no say in where and how their communities grow and change.
Recognizing the changing dynamics of development in Nova Scotia, the Provincial Government passed Bill 58 in 2018, an amendment to the Municipal Government Act that requires every municipality to develop and adopt planning that meets the minimum planning standards. This project will bring Colchester County into compliance with the new provincial regulations, while also presenting an important and exciting opportunity for residents to help shape the vision for the future of their communities. Plan It Colchester relies heavily on feedback from the community to help shape the vision, guiding principles and policies that will determine how the Municipality grows and develops.
Quick Definitions
Municipal Government Act (MGA): The primary legislation that governs the structure, powers, and responsibilities of municipal governments in the province of Nova Scotia. It empowers municipalities to create bylaws, make planning decisions, and ensure local community development in accordance with provincial laws. |
Municipal Planning Strategy (MPS): A comprehensive policy document created by the Municipality to guide land use and development within its jurisdiction. The MPS sets long-term goals and objectives for the community, addressing issues like zoning, growth management, transportation, housing, environmental protection, and public services. It must address the statements of provincial interest outlined in the MGA. |
Land Use Bylaw (LUB): A municipal regulatory document that is used to implement the land use policies provided in the MPS through land use bylaws. It ensures that land development aligns with the municipality's planning goals, helps avoid conflicts between different types of land uses, and manages the physical form and appearance of the community through zoning. |
Project Update (January 2025):
The public consultation phase for the draft Municipal Planning Strategy and draft Land Use Bylaw has now closed. We would like to thank all residents who participated and shared their valuable feedback during this process. Your input has been instrumental in shaping the next steps. We are now re-engaging with stakeholders to further refine the documents. Based on the feedback we received, edits will be made to ensure the final plans reflect the community’s needs and aspirations. Stay tuned for updates as we continue to move forward with this important project!
Draft Documents
pdf DRAFT Municipal Planning Strategy 2024 (9.88 MB)
MPS Schedules
pdf DRAFT MPS Schedule 'A' Growth Centres (205 KB)
pdf DRAFT MPS Schedule ‘B' FLUM (3.80 MB)
pdf DARFT MPS Schedule ‘B' FLUM insets (10.92 MB)
pdf DRAFT Land Use Bylaw 2024 (11.15 MB)
LUB Schedules and Appendices
pdf DRAFT LUB Schedule ‘A' Zoning Map (4.20 MB)
pdf DRAFT LUB Schedule ‘A' Zoning Map Insets (7.29 MB)
pdf DRAFT LUB Schedule 'B' Flood Overlay (9.13 MB)
pdf DRAFT LUB Schedule 'C' Growth Centres (1.04 MB)
pdf DRAFT LUB Schedule 'D' Coastal Elevation (8.61 MB)
pdf DRAFT LUB Schedule 'E' Village Heritage Area Overlay (763 KB)
pdf DRAFT LUB Appendix 'A' Dykeland Land Forming Standards (128 KB)
pdf DRAFT LUB Appendix 'B' Soil Conservation Areas (418 KB)
Additional Resources
Online Zoning Map - check out the proposed zoning on your property: Link to Map |
Fact Sheets - learn a bit more about the proposed policies on important issues
pdf Fact Sheet 1 - Introduction (428 KB)
pdf Fact Sheet 2 - Housing (261 KB)
pdf Fact Sheet 3 - Agriculture (319 KB)
pdf Fact Sheet 4 - Environment (263 KB)
pdf Fact Sheet 5 - Recreation and Tourism (443 KB)
What is Planning?
New to the Project? Want to learn a bit more about it and how planning works in Nova Scotia? Check out this video:
Public Engagement
Engagement Summary and Recommendations Report
This document includes a thematic analysis of information that was received throughout the formative engagement phase and also contains a draft Vision Statement and Goals for the Municipal Planning Strategy (MPS) and Land Use By-law (LUB). The draft Vision Statement and Goals provides a comprehensive overview of community land use issues and perspectives related to current and emerging areas of interest. The report also identifies any information or knowledge gaps that need to be filled in before the drafting of the planning documents. Click the link below to read the draft report.
pdf Plan It Colchester Engagement Recommendations Report 2023 (16.62 MB)
Draft Document Engagement
Following our initial public engagement consultation, we launched a second round of engagement focused on the draft Municipal Planning Strategy (MPS) and Land Use Bylaw (LUB). This phase provided an important opportunity for the public to share their thoughts on the proposed plans and contribute to shaping the future of their community. We wanted to know what aspects of the plans were on the mark, and where improvements or adjustments were needed.
To ensure broad participation, we utilized multiple communication channels to reach residents across Colchester. Information about the consultation was shared through the Municipality’s website, social media platforms, project email list, and the municipal newsletter sent to every household in the county. Additionally, an extra postcard was mailed to all residents, and newspaper publications provided further updates and details.
Engagement activities included a variety of methods to cater to different preferences and ensure everyone had the opportunity to get involved. These included:
Six community meetings held across the County to facilitate group conversations and receive direct feedback |
An interactive online zoning map that allowed residents to explore proposed land use changes and provide feedback digitally |
A public online form for submitting thoughts and suggestions on the draft plans |
Direct communication via email or phone with consultants, providing a personalized way for residents to discuss specific concerns or ideas |
Fact Sheets that summarized five key topics covered in the draft plans, presented in a short, accessible format for easy understanding |
Stakeholder Meetings with adjacent municipalities and key community interest groups to gather input from organizations and regional partners with a vested interest in the planning process |
We are grateful for the strong participation and valuable feedback from the community. The insights gathered during this engagement phase will help guide revisions to the draft documents, ensuring they reflect the needs and aspirations of Colchester’s residents as we move forward with this important project.
Stay Involved
For project updates, please keep an eye on the Colchester website and social media pages. Regular project updates will also be featured in the Municipal Newsletter.
Questions? Email our project team at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..