The Council of the Municipality of Colchester will be hosting a public open house and ribbon cutting event at the Fundy Discovery Site (103 Tidal Bore Road, Lower Truro) on Saturday, September 21 from 3:30-6:00pm.
The event will involve live music by local bands at the new outdoor amphitheatre, opening of the natural playground, official ribbon-cutting ceremony at 4:15pm, and free barbecue, cake and refreshments. The tidal bore is predicted to arrive at 5:55pm to close out the event.
The open house celebrates the completion of Phase 1 of development at the site. In addition to the Municipality’s investment to date, the event will recognize the support of the project’s various partners including the Province of Nova Scotia, Trans Canada Trail, Town of Truro and several local businesses.
Since 2018, Nova Scotia Communities, Culture and Heritage has contributed over $145,000 to the project through its Community ACCESS-ability, Planning Assistance, and Recreation Facility Development Programs. A total of $45,000 was secured from NS Municipal Affairs’ Streetscape and Beautification Pilot Program since 2018. Trans Canada Trail contributed $42,400, the Town of Truro supported the project with an in-kind contribution of equipment and labour for service extensions, while several donations have been received by local businesses including a $25,000 grant from Michelin.
“Our Council wants to take this opportunity to acknowledge those who have contributed to the development of Phase 1 of the Site and to share this wonderful progress with the community,” says Christine Blair, Mayor of the Municipality of Colchester.
All are welcome to attend the open house and to experience this exciting tourism development in Colchester County. Rain-date for the event is Sunday, September 22.
Media Contact:
Devin Trefry
Municipality of Colchester
902-897-3182 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.