How are My Municipal Property Taxes Actually Calculated? 

The Municipality of Colchester will set a tax rate each year that will be multiplied by your taxable assessed value per $100 of assessment to determine your property tax. Property Valuation Services (PVSC) assesses property value yearly and mails you an assessment notice in January to advise you of your property’s value for tax purposes.

Can I View My Property Assessment Information Online?

Property owners can view detailed information on their assessment by accessing their “My Property Report” on Property Valuation. Use your Assessment Account Number and PIN access number to see your information. To obtain a PIN number, phone 1-800-380-7775.

What if I Do Not Agree With The Assessed Value On My Notice From PVSC?

All property owners have the right to appeal their property assessment if they disagree with the assessment value, ownership, or classification of their property. We encourage you to contact PVSC with any questions or comments you have about your assessment notice before you make the decision to appeal.

When Do I Appeal?

Your final annual assessment notice is mailed in January. If you decide to appeal your assessment, you MUST appeal within 31 days (the date specified on your assessment notice).

What are My Steps to Appeal?

  1. Review Notice – Is the information on the assessment notice correct?
  2. Contact – Contact PVSC via website, phone or in person. They will review your assessment with you.
  3. Complete Appeal Form – Complete your appeal form found on your assessment notice by the date indicated.
  4. Send to PVSC – Once completed, fax, mail or drop off your form to your local PVSC office. 

Mail: 15 Arlington Place Suite #6 Truro, NS, B2N 0G9

If My Appeal Is Successful, Will My Tax Bill Be Automatically Adjusted?

Yes. The Municipality will receive notification of the appeal decision and will adjust your tax bill to reflect the correct amount. You are responsible for paying your tax bill by the due date, even if your appeal is still under review. Once the appeal decision is made, and an overpayment was determined, the overpayment will be refunded to you.

When Is The Due Date?

The property tax bills are mailed annually in the month of June and are due on the last business day of August.

I Have Moved And Want To Update My Mailing Address.

Please contact the Municipality of Colchester tax office at 902-897-3150 and provide us with your updated mailing address. Alternatively, you can email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or use our online form.

How Do I Change A Name On A Deed?

You will have to provide proof of a name change such as a marriage certificate, court order, or death certificate to the Registry of Deeds. You can call toll free 1-800-670-4357 and will be directed to your appropriate Land Registry Office.

I Have Moved Or Have Sold My Mobile Home.

Please contact PVSC if you have demolished, moved, plan to move or sold your mobile home. You will need to fill out a Mobile Home Transfer form with PVSC if you have sold.