Media Releases

Boil Water Advisory - Tatamagouche Water Utility

Update - Saturday, May 18, 2024 at 12:30pm

The Boil Water Advisory for Tatamagouche Water Utility Customers has now been LIFTED. Residents no longer need to boil their water before consumption. 

Council Approves 2024/25 Operating Budget - No Rate Increase

Colchester County Council approved its 2024/25 operating budget on April 25, 2024, with no increase to the residential or commercial tax rates. This is the sixth year of the last seven that the Municipality has been able to keep its rates the same, with just a half cent increase in 2019. Residential properties will continue to pay $0.885 and commercial properties $2.28, per 100 dollars of assessment as determined by Property Valuation Services Corporation (PVSC), the independent, not-for-profit organization that is responsible for assessing all property in Nova Scotia.

The balanced budget increased from $38.7Million last year to just over $42Millon this year. An 8% increase in tax revenue from residential development and 14% increase in revenue from commercial development helped accommodate the larger budget without rate increases. “We are very fortunate that we’ve experienced record growth and development here in Colchester,” says Mayor, Christine Blair. “By increasing our taxbase we can accommodate the rising costs we’ve experienced in recent years without having to increase our tax rates.”

The budget supports the Municipality’s quality, core programs and services, and continues to invest in critical infrastructure and economic development initiatives. Partnerships such as the Truro Colchester Partnership for Economic Prosperity (TCPEP), the Rath Eastlink Community Centre, as well as future housing initiatives are also included.

Numerous community organizations will again receive support through the County’s extensive not-for-profit grant programs. “Council carefully reviews grant applications from dozens of community groups each year. These organizations, many volunteer-led, are critical to providing important services and facilities in our Municipality,” added Mayor Blair. “We are pleased to support these dedicated groups that work so hard to make our communities better.”

Each year the County’s operating budget is set within a context of competing needs, requests, opportunities, and anticipated revenues. Some costs and revenue streams are not within the Municipality’s control. Over 42% of taxes collected by the Municipality will be transferred to the Provincial Government for services such as schools, libraries, assessment services, and policing. This leaves the Municipality with $24.9 million dollars to deliver County-wide services such as sewage treatment, solid waste management, environmental planning, and recreation services.

Costs for education went up $973,000 this year while policing went up $670,000, each contributing to the required mandatory payments to the Province which totalled $17.3 Million. Retroactive pay for a new policing contract negotiated by the Federal government a number of years ago remains a concern. It is anticipated to result in increases to policing costs in the future.

“All and all, I want to thank Council and Staff for their tireless efforts in preparing this year’s budget. I am especially pleased that it positions us well for maintaining quality services and future growth, without increasing the tax rates for our residents,” concluded Mayor Blair.


Celebrate African Heritage Month 2024

February is African Heritage Month - a time to celebrate and recognize the history and culture of people of African descent.  This year's theme is "Our Smiles, Our Joy, Our Resilience as African Nova Scotians".

We encourage you to learn more about the history of African Nova Scotians in Truro and Colchester by reading Ashley Sutherland's book “From Whence We Come and Where We Go: African Nova Scotian History in Truro and Colchester,” found on the Colchester Historeum & Museum's website.

The Colchester East-Hants Public Library has also created a booklist of adult and young adult fiction and non-fiction materials by and about African Nova Scotians.  This list has a special emphasis on the African Heritage Month 2024  theme.

More information, events, and resources on African Heritage Month in Nova Scotia.

celebrate african heritage month poster

Deputy Mayor Stewart Elected First Vice President of National Board

The Municipality of Colchester’s Deputy Mayor, Geoff Stewart, was recently elected First Vice President of the Federation of Canadian Municipality’s (FCM) at the organization’s annual conference held recently, May 25-28, 2023. After completing a term as 3rd Vice President in 2021, and 2nd Vice President in 2022, Stewart is now second in command to FCM’s newly elected President, Scott Pearce, Mayor of the Township of Gore, Quebec.

“Once again, I am honoured to be re-elected as a Table Officer of the FCM Board and Executive Committee. I am also proud to represent Colchester in this important work that benefits all Canadian municipalities,” says Deputy Mayor Stewart.

FCM advocates for municipalities across the country and ensures citizens' needs are reflected in federal policies and programs. It has been the national voice of municipal government since 1901. Members include more than 2,100 municipalities of all sizes, from Canada's cities, and rural communities, to northern communities including 20 provincial and territorial municipal associations. Together, they represent more than 92 percent of all Canadians from coast to coast to coast.

French River Watershed Designated as Protected Water Area

Provincial Environment Minister Tim Halman has designated the French River Watershed as a Protected Water Area. As a result, the watershed that gives people of Tatamagouche their drinking water is now protected provincially, further safeguarding access to quality water for area residents.

The application process for the Protected Water Area designation was initiated by the Municipality of Colchester in 2018. Extensive public consultation, including a public survey and community meetings, supported the application and informed the regulations implemented to protect the watershed area.

“It was clear from the public consultation process that most area residents were in favour of advancing the application for the Protected Water Area designation,” said Christine Blair, Mayor of the Municipality of Colchester. “Clean water is one of the most fundamental needs of a community. It is essential to human health, a healthy environment, and a sustainable economy. We are pleased to be able to protect this valuable resource for generations both now and into the future.”

The Protected Water Area regulations protect drinking water supplies by giving municipalities the authority to manage watersheds, including restricting or prohibiting activities that may impact water quality or quantity. Now that the watershed is designated as a Protected Water Area the Tatamagouche Water Utility, owned and operated by the Municipality, is responsible for protecting the area and enforcing the regulations.

“The watershed provides water for the village of Tatamagouche. It’s important that we maintain the pristine water that the village is fortunate enough to have. I am pleased the government has taken into consideration the work that was done to protect the watershed and has designated it as a Protected Water Area. Kudos need to go to the staff of the Municipality for the work that went into getting here and to the community for standing up to be heard. I am over the moon,” said Michael Gregory, Councillor, Municipality of Colchester and Chair of the Tatamagouche Source Water Protection Committee.

More information on the Protected Water Area regulations.

Colchester Honours and Remembers Those Lost During April 2020 Tragedy

April 15, 2021

As the anniversary of the tragic events of April 18 & 19, 2020 approaches, the Municipality of Colchester prepares to honor and remember the 22 lives and unborn child that were so senselessly taken one-year ago.

In remembrance, the Municipality will be lowering flags at its offices and facilities to half-mast and lighting the Municipal Office at 1 Church Street, Truro in blue. Other organizations and community members are encouraged to join in similar expressions of observance that may include hanging a flag in a window or tying Nova Scotia tartan to a mailbox.

In addition to deeply impacting local communities and the province it has been apparent by the outpouring of love and support received from around the country, and the world, that this tragedy has greatly affected many.

The Municipality of Colchester would like to thank all who have offered condolences, kind gestures, expressions of remembrance, and donations to support the community and victims’ families. All have been a light that has helped restore and lift spirits during a very dark and difficult time.

“Our hearts and thoughts are with all who continue to grieve and heal. We hope that comfort and solace may be found in those around us both now and in the days ahead,” said Christine Blair, Mayor of Colchester County.


Media Contact:

Devin Trefry
Mayor and CAO’s Office
Cell: 902-956-3239
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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