Media Releases

New Brand for Municipality of Colchester

Colchester County Council approved a pdf new brand for the Municipality (2.67 MB)  at their Council meeting held on September 26, 2019. The new logo and tagline “be centred here” are part of an effort to improve public engagement, build a strong sense of pride in the community, and promote the County as a desirable place to live, work, and visit.

colchester logo sm

“The Municipality had been using its coat-of-arms as a logo for quite some time. Our Council felt that it was time for something new that better represented the vibrancy and diversity of our community,” said Christine Blair, Mayor. “We’ll continue to use the coat-of-arms for formal purposes, though you will soon begin seeing our new look more prominently throughout our communications.”

Read more: New Brand for Municipality of Colchester

Fundy Discovery Site to Celebrate with Open House

The Council of the Municipality of Colchester will be hosting a public open house and ribbon cutting event at the Fundy Discovery Site (103 Tidal Bore Road, Lower Truro) on Saturday, September 21 from 3:30-6:00pm.

The event will involve live music by local bands at the new outdoor amphitheatre, opening of the natural playground, official ribbon-cutting ceremony at 4:15pm, and free barbecue, cake and refreshments. The tidal bore is predicted to arrive at 5:55pm to close out the event.

The open house celebrates the completion of Phase 1 of development at the site. In addition to the Municipality’s investment to date, the event will recognize the support of the project’s various partners including the Province of Nova Scotia, Trans Canada Trail, Town of Truro and several local businesses.

Read more: Fundy Discovery Site to Celebrate with Open House

Cumberland and Colchester Counties to Collaborate on Internet Improvements

Cumberland and Colchester counties have an ambitious vision to make their region one of Canada’s most digitally connected rural places. The municipalities have entered into a formal collaboration and are seeking compatible internet service companies through a request for expressions of interest issued on the 24th of May.

The Request for Expressions of Interest for a Rural Broadband and Connected Communities Collaboration is timed to align with Develop Nova Scotia’s call for applications to receive funds from the Nova Scotia Internet Funding Trust. The Province has designated $193 million to contribute toward projects that bring highspeed rural broadband access to underserved areas in Nova Scotia. The first slate of projects will begin in 2019.

“This is a top priority for both of our Councils” says Colchester Councillor Tom Taggart “both for quality of life and economic reasons. We need to get this done.” World Bank research has shown a strong correlation between rural prosperity and the availability of broadband, as indicated by economic activity and property values.

Read more: Cumberland and Colchester Counties to Collaborate on Internet Improvements