Municipal Election 2024

Every four years the Municipality of the County of Colchester holds an election for Mayor and Council, as well as the Conseil Scolaire Acadien Provincial (CSAP) representative.

This year the Municipal and CSAP Elections will be held Saturday, October 19, 2024.

Municipality of Colchester Introducing E-voting for the First Time

For the 2024 Municipal Election, the Municipality of Colchester is offering e-voting, providing more opportunity to vote via telephone and internet during alternate polling days, as well as on Election Day where traditional paper ballot voting will also be offered at polling locations throughout the County. Residents that are eligible to vote are encouraged to do so either on election day or during the alternate polling days (to be determined by resolution of Council).

More information on alternate polling dates and polling locations to follow as available. Please continue to visit our website for updates.   

Interested in Running in the Municipal Election?

Nominations can be filed by making an appointment with the Returning Officer on August 29, 30, September 3, 4, 5, 6, and 9 or on September 10th (no appointment required). Contact the Returning Officer, Guy Wheeler by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or calling 902-893-0677.

To be a candidate in the municipal election, you must be:

  • 18 years of age at the time of nomination
  • a Canadian citizen
  • ordinarily resident in the Municipality of Colchester for six months preceding nomination day September 10, 2024), and continue to so reside
  • ensure that all municipal charges that are due have been paid by nomination day

You don’t need to live in the polling district that you’re running in, as long as you meet the residency requirement of six months in the Municipality.

For more information on Electoral Districts, click here to view the electoral districts maps. 

For more information on becoming a candidate, please review the  pdf 2024 Candidate's Guide for Municipal and CSAP Elections 2024 (466 KB) .  

Election Workers Needed - Deputy Returning Officer and Poll Clerks

The regular Municipal Election is right around the corner (October 19, 2024) and we are developing a list of interested person to fill the positions of Deputy Returning Officer (DRO) and Poll Clerk (PC). 

If you are interested in working at a poll, please contact the Returning Officer by email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by phone at 902-893-0677. 

Who can vote in Municipal Elections?

You qualify to vote if you meet all of the following conditions:

  • You are 18 years of age or older and a Canadian citizen on the first advance polling day;
  • You have been ordinarily resident in Nova Scotia for 6 months immediately before the first advance polling day;
  • You are ordinarily resident in the Municipality of Colchester and have been so since immediately before the first advance polling day; and
  • You are not otherwise disqualified to vote in the Municipal elections. 

Disqualified Persons

You are considered a disqualified person for the purpose of a municipal election if you are:

  • the municipal Returning Officer
  • a person serving a sentence in a penal or reform institution
  • a person who has been convicted of bribery under this Act in the six years preceding ordinary polling day

Who can vote in CSAP Elections?

To be eligible to vote for a member of the Conseil Scolaire Acadien provincial (CSAP) the elector must meet the following additions qualifications:

  • The Elector’s first language learned and still understood is French, or
  • The Elector who received their primary school instruction in Canada in a French-first-language program, or
  • The Elector has a child who has received or is receiving primary or secondary school instruction in Canada in a French-first-language program.

Last Day to Cast Your Votes (both e-voting and traditional paper ballot) is Saturday, October 19
Polls Open 8 am to 7 pm 

Regular Election Day Polling Locations (by District)

All polling locations will be posted as information is available.

Not sure what your District is?  Click here for our 2024 Colchester Electoral District Map or call the Returning Office at 902-893-0677. 

Important Dates

March 8, 2024 Residency required to qualify as candidate in election
August 1, 2024 Commence revisions (additions, deletions, corrections) to the List of Electors. Electors can find out if they are on the List of Electors by contacting the Returning Office ain person, by telephone, mail, fax, or email.  See below for contact information.
August 29-September 10, 2024 Nomination Period
September 10, 2024 Nomination Day
September 11, 2024 Last day for candidate to withdraw
October 19, 2024 Election Day
October 22, 2024 Official Addition
October 26, 2024 Last day to file affidavit (re: removal of posters and return of voters list for return of full or part of deposit) – FORM 12
October 29, 2024 Last day to apply for a recount
December 18, 2024 Last day to file campaign contribution disclosure form – FORMS 40 & 41


Candidate information will be posted here as it becomes available. Please continue to check back for updated information.


All ads will be posted here as available.


Guy Wheeler, Returning Officer
Municipality of County of Colchester
1 Church Street
Truro, Nova Scotia B2N 3Z5

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: 902-893-0677



Municipality of Colchester
1 Church Street
Truro, Nova Scotia    B2N 3Z5

Mayor Christine Blair
Councillor Eric Boutilier - District 1
Councillor Laurie Sandeson - District 2
Deputy Mayor Geoff Stewart - District 3
Councillor Mike Cooper - District 4
Councillor Tim Johnson - District 5
Councillor Karen MacKenzie - District 6
Councillor Michael Gregory - District 7
Councillor Lisa Patton - District 8
Councillor Marie Benoit - District 9
Councillor Victoria Lomond- District 10
Councillor Wade Parker - District 11

Mayor Christine Blair

Mayor Christine Blair

All Districts

Contact Information

Phone: 902-897-3184
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  • Audit Committee
  • Cliffs of Fundy Board
  • Dangerous & Unsightly Premises Committee
  • Debert Business Park Advisory Committee
  • Debert Source Water Protection Advisory Committee
  • Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee
  • Executive Committee
  • Flood Advisory Committee
  • Joint Planning Advisory Committee
  • Nominating Committee
  • Physician Recruitment Working Committee
  • Planning Advisory Committee
  • RECC Board
  • Regional Accessibility Advisory Committee
  • Regional Emergency Management Organization Advisory Committee
  • TCPEP (REN) Board 
  • Sewer Use Appeals Committee
  • Tatamagouche Planning Advisory Committee
  • Tatamagouche Water Utility Committee

Councillor Eric Boutilier District 1

Councillor Eric Boutilier – District 1

Dist 1 map

District 1 Communities

  • Bible Hill
  • Brookside

Contact Information

Phone: 902-890-5866
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  • Livestock Control Advisory Committee
  • Northern Region Solid Waste Committee

Councillor Laurie Sandeson District 2

Councillor Laurie Sandeson – District 2

Dist 2 map

District 2 Communities

  • Truro Heights
  • Lower Truro
  • Old Barns
  • Clifton
  • Beaver Brook
  • Princeport
  • Green Oaks
  • Green Creek
  • Pleasant Valley
  • Shortts Lake
  • Riverside
  • Fort Ellis

Contact Information

Phone: 902-957-2206
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  • Agriculture Working Committee
  • Audit Committee
  • Carbon Free Colchester Implentation Committee
  • Citizen Monitoring Committee (Truro Heights/Hilden Turbines)
  • Executive Committee
  • Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee
  • Joint Planning Advisory Committee
  • Nominating Committee
  • Planning Advisory Committee
  • Sewer Use Appeals Committee

Councillor Geoff Stewart District 3

Councillor Geoff Stewart – District 3

Deputy Mayor

Dist 3 map

District 3 Communities

  • Hilden
  • Brookfield
  • Forest Glen
  • Brentwood
  • Alton

Contact Information

Phone: 902-673-3039
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  • Audit Committee
  • Citizen Monitoring Committee (Truro Heights/Hilden Turbines)
  • Executive Committee
  • Fundy Discovery Site Committee
  • Planning Advisory Committee
  • Regional Tourism Committee
  • Regional Emergency Management Advisory Committee
  • Stewiacke Library Board
  • Tatamagouche Planning Advisory Committee
  • Tatamagouche Source Water Protection Advisory Committee
  • Tatamagouche Water Utility Committee
  • Truro and Colchester Chamber of Commerce

Councillor Mike Cooper District 4

Councillor Mike Cooper – District 4

Dist 4 map

District 4 Communities

  • Shubenacadie East
  • Pine Grove
  • Gays River
  • Coldstream
  • West St. Andrews
  • East Stewiacke
  • MacKay Siding
  • Cloverdale
  • Lanesville
  • Wittenburg
  • South Branch
  • Birch Hill
  • Middle Stewiacke
  • Halfway Brook
  • Otter Brook
  • Upper Stewiacke
  • Meadowvale
  • Newton Mills
  • Cross Roads
  • Pembroke
  • Burnside
  • Eastville

Contact Information

Home Phone: 902-671-2854
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  • Audit Committee
  • Dangerous and Unsightly Premises Committee
  • Executive Committee
  • Flood Advisory Committee
  • Livestock Control Appeals Committee
  • Sewer Use Appeals Committee
  • Shubenacadie Canal Commission
  • St. Andrews Watershed Advisory Committee
  • Stewiacke Library Board

Councillor Tim Johnson District 5

Councillor Tim Johnson – District 5

Dist 5 map

District 5 Communities

  • Salmon River
  • Murray Siding
  • Harmony
  • Camden

Contact Information

Phone: 902-899-0590
Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  • Citizen Monitoring Committee (Greenfield, Nuttby and Higgins Mountain Wind Turbines)
  • Debert Business Park Advisory Committee
  • Flood Advisory Committee
  • Joint Flood Advisory Committee
  • Planning Advisory Committee

Councillor Karen MacKenzie District 6

Councillor Karen MacKenzie – District 6

Dist 6 map

District 6 Communities

  • East Mountain
  • Manganese Mines
  • Greenfield
  • Valley (part)

Contact Information

Phone: 902-897-3184
Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  • Citizen Monitoring Committee (Greenfield Wind Turbines)
  • Colchester-East Hants Library Board
  • Nominating Committee
  • Sewer Use Appeals Committee

Councillor Michael Gregory District 7

Councillor Michael Gregory – District 7

Dist 7 map

District 7 Communities

  • Bayhead
  • West Tatamagouche
  • Mattatall Lake
  • Lake Road
  • West New Annan
  • Debert Lake
  • Byers Lake
  • Warwick Mountain
  • Central New Annan
  • Oliver
  • Millbrook
  • French River
  • Tatamagouche
  • New Truro Road
  • Tatamagouche Mountain
  • East New Annan
  • Kavanaugh Mills
  • West Earltown
  • The Falls
  • Balfron
  • Waughs River
  • Waldegrave
  • Barrachois
  • Sand Point
  • Brule Shore
  • Brule Point
  • Brule
  • Middleton
  • Keble
  • Denmark
  • Balmoral Mills
  • East Earltown
  • Earltown

Contact Information

Phone: 902-305-4002
Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  • Dangerous & Unsightly Premises Committee
  • Joint Police Advisory Board
  • Livestock Control Advisory Committee
  • Policing Working Committee
  • Rural Internet Working Committee
  • Tatamagouche Planning Advisory Committee
  • Tatamagouche Source Water Protection Advisory Committee
  • Tatamagouche Water Utility Committee

Councillor Lisa Patton District 8

Councillor Lisa Patton – District 8

Dist 8 map

District 8 Communities

  • Upper Onslow
  • Onslow Mountain
  • McCallum Settlement
  • Nuttby
  • Upper North River
  • Central North River
  • North River
  • Upper Brookside
  • Upper Kemptown
  • Kemptown
  • Riversdale
  • Brookside (part)

Contact Information

Phone: 902-890-8630
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  • Citizen Monitoring Committee (Kemptown Host Community)
  • Citizen Monitoring Committee (Nuttby & RES (Debert) Wind Turbines)
  • Dangerous & Unsightly Premises Committee
  • Debert Business Park Advisory Committee
  • Flood Advisory Committee
  • Livestock Control Advisory Committee
  • Nominating Committee

Councillor Marie Benoit District 9

Councillor Marie Benoit – District 9

Dist 9 map

District 9 Communities

  • East Folly Mountain
  • Debert
  • Lower Onslow
  • Central Onslow
  • Crowes Mills
  • Belmont
  • Moose River

Contact Information

Phone: 902-324-9011
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  • Citizens Monitoring Committee (RES (Debert) Turbines)
  • Cliffs of Fundy Board
  • Debert Business Park Advisory Committee
  • Debert Source Water Protection Advisory Committee
  • GFL Debert Facility (former Terrapure Community) Liaison Committee
  • Dangerous & Unsightly Premises Committee
  • Physician Recruitment Working Committee

Councillor Victoria Lomond

Councillor Victoria Lomond – District 10

Dist 10 map

District 10 Communities

  • Lynn
  • Lower Five Islands
  • Five Islands
  • Simpson Lake
  • Lower Economy
  • Carrs Brook
  • Economy
  • Upper Economy
  • Little Bass River
  • Bass River
  • McCormack Lake
  • Castlereagh
  • Montrose
  • Portapique
  • Five Houses
  • Highland Village
  • Lornevale
  • Londonderry
  • Londonderry Station
  • East Village
  • Great Village
  • Little Dyke
  • Glenholme
  • Folly Mountain
  • Folly Lake
  • Hart Lake
  • Lower Debert
  • Masstown

Contact Information

Phone: 902-890-1493
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  • Citizens Monitorting Committee (Higgins Mountain Turbines)
  • Colchester East Hants Library Board
  • Joint Police Advisory Board
  • Nominating Committee
  • Sewer Use Appeals Committee
  • Rural Internet Working Committee

Councillor Wade Parker District 11

Councillor Wade Parker – District 11

Dist 11 map

District 11 Communities

  • Bible Hill (part)
  • Valley (part)

Contact Information

533 College Road
Bible Hill, Nova Scotia
B2N 2R1

Phone: (902) 890-5840
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  • Carbon Free Colchester Advisory Committee
  • Livestock Control Advisory Committee
  • TCPEP (REN) Board
  • RECC Board 
  • Sewer Use Appeals Committee


Source Water Protection Meetings

  • Tatamagouche Source Water Protection Committee - To be determined
  • Debert Source Water Protection Committee - To be determined

The Municipality of Colchester has 11 electoral districts. Explore the current  pdf electoral district map (5.64 MB) .

The Municipality completed the 2022 Municipal Boundary Review as is required every eight (8) years.  The decision of the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board can be found here  pdf NSUARB #303801 v1 Board Order M10877 Colchester (20.65 MB)


County Council

DistrictCouncillorPhone Number
Mayor Christine Blair 902-895-6537
District 1 Councillor Eric Boutilier 902-890-5866
District 2 Councillor Laurie Sandeson 902-957-2206
District 3 Councillor Geoff Stewart, Deputy Mayor  902-673-3039
District 4 Councillor Mike Cooper 902-671-2854
District 5 Councillor Tim Johnson 902-899-0590
District 6 Councillor Karen MacKenzie 902-324-8729
District 7 Councillor Michael Gregory 902-305-4002
District 8 Councillor Lisa Patton 902-890-8630
District 9 Councillor Marie Benoit 902-956-1774
District 10 Councillor Victoria Lomond 902-890-1493
District 11 Councillor Wade Parker 902-890-5840

Mailing Address

Municipality of Colchester
1 Church Street
Truro, NS, B2N 3Z5

Main Phone Number


Main Fax Number
