Recycling Programs

Curbside Textile/Clothing Recycling Program - Ends March 31,2025

 Curbside Change to textile

Colchester Solid Waste curbside textile and clothing recycling program ends on March 31st, 2025. Clothing/Textile will no longer be accepted curbside in the reycling for collection after March 31, 2025. Textile Diversion Programs help reduce waste, save resources, and give textiles a second life. We encourage all residents to continue to donate to local drop boxes and charities across the County of Colchester. Soiled/Dirty Clothing should be placed in the garbage.

All donations must be clean, dry, odor-free, and in a securely closed plastic bag. Let’s keep textiles out of landfills and give them a second life!

EPRA Nova Scotia


Electronic Products Recycling Association – Nova Scotia (EPRA Nova Scotia) is responsible for implementing and operating an industry-led and government-approved electronic products recycling program that is available for consumers and businesses throughout the province.

In June of 2024 the Electronic Recycling program expanded to include more electronic household appliances. For more information and to learn more visit: What Can I Recycle?

In accordance with the Solid Waste-Resource Management Regulations, more than 500 manufacturers, retailers and other stakeholders are stewards of EPRA Nova Scotia’s program.

Unwanted electronic devices can be dropped off to official EPRA Nova Scotia drop-off centres across Nova Scotia FREE OF CHARGE.

The drop-off locations in Colchester County are:

Subway Bottle Exchange, 25 Pictou Road, Bible Hill 902-893-8312

Tatamagouche Recycling, 102 Main Street,

Tatamagouche 902-657-9201
TNT Recycling, 20711 Highway #2, Shubenacadie East 902-758-2708

For more information and for a complete list of electronics that can be recycled through this program, visit Electronic Products Recycling Association (EPRA) or phone 1-877-462-8907.

Wondering what an EHF or Environmental Handling Fee is and why it is placed on electronic devices when you purchase them? Check it out!

Recycle My Cell

recyclemycellRecycle My Cell is a national industry initiative led by the Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association (CWTA) along with its members (wireless manufacturers and service providers) to raise awareness about mobile device recycling.

Recycle My Cell increases consumer awareness of the recycling initiatives currently provided by service providers and manufacturers. The goal of this program is to minimize the number of handsets entering Canada’s landfills.

Recycle My Cell links participating cell phone recycling programs together, making it easier for you to determine how and where you can dispose of your used wireless device.

By using Recycle My Cell, you will be able to find a drop-off location in your area that will accept your device – cell phones, smartphones, wireless PDAs, batteries and pagers – regardless of brand or condition. And if you cannot get to one of the drop-off locations, you can send your device through the mail, free of charge!

For more information on this program, visit Recycle My Cell

Paint Recycling Program

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Please note: Empty and dry paint and aerosol cans can be disposed of in the regular garbage.
The Nova Scotia Paint Recycling Program aims to bring new life to unused paint. The province's Enviro-Depots® now accept, at no charge, latex and oil-based paints.

Please return paint products in their original containers with the original labels. For more information on this program, please contact ReGeneration at 1-888-772-9772.

Try to use the "BUD" rule:

Buy only the paint you need.
Use all the paint you buy.
Dispose of leftover paint safely.

For more information on this program, please contact ReGeneration at 1-888-772-9772 or go to Product Care.


tiresSince 1997, on-road motor vehicle tires with a rim size of 24.5 inches or less have been banned from disposal in Nova Scotia. You can return up to four tires at a time, to any tire retailer in the province, at no cost. They must be off the rim and free of mud and debris. Leave used tires at the retailer when you buy new ones.

This program has been very successful. Nova Scotia's Used Tire Management Program has collected and recycled over 900,000 tires each year!

The soccer field at St. Francis Xavier University in Antigonish is made from the rubber of 12,000 tires recycled in Nova Scotia!



Waste Oil, Propane Tanks and Car Batteries

divertNSRecycling used oil and propane tanks in Nova Scotia is very easy. Any retailer who sells motor oil (e.g. service stations, hardware stores, etc.) must either accept used oil or provide a collection depot within five kilometers of their business. There is no fee for this service.

Propane tanks can be returned to any location where they are available for sale. There is no fee for this service.

All the Enviro-Depots in Colchester County accept car batteries for recycling. There is no fee for this service.

If you would like more information on any of these programs go to Divert NS.

Used Oil

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Any retailer that sells motor oil ( e.g. service stations, hardware stores, etc) must either accept used oil or provide a collection depot within five kilometers of their business. There is no fee for this service.

For more information on collectors visit Atlantic Used Oil Management Association. (UOMA Atlantic) is an organization that manages an economically, environmentally, and socially efficient program for the recycling (collection and processing) of used oils.

Safe Sharps Bring Back Program


In March 2001, the Safe Sharps Bring Back Program was launched across Nova Scotia. Under this program, residents who generate sharps (needles, lancets) in their home can pick up a plastic 3 litre or 5 litre sharps container at their local pharmacy.When the container is full, it can be returned to the pharmacy for disposal. This is a free service.Why do we need a Safe Sharps program? Before this program, the public was encouraged to place their sharps in rigid plastic containers (e.g. javex bottles or juice jugs). Once plastic containers became recyclable, there were many reports of sharps ending up in the recycling stream. Since all the recyclables are hand-sorted, the potential for a sharp puncture became a serious threat to workers. Visit PANS for more information on proper disposal of sharps.

We're Banning the Bag!

Starting October 30, 2020, businesses won't be allowed to hand out single-use plastic bags at checkouts.

Feel free to bring your own reusable bag.