What is Colchester Clean?
Colchester Clean is a Colchester County-wide anti-litter initiative.
The goal is to keep our County clean. Colchester is a beautiful place to live, visit and play, so let’s rally together to help keep it that way.
Colchester Clean is a 2-week event planned by the Colchester Waste Reduction Team. The event will include participation from individuals, community groups, schools, sports teams, and local businesses. The event is scheduled to start on Earth Day, April 22, giving everyone the opportunity to get out and accept the Anti-litter challenge.
The Colchester Clean Litter Clean Up Campaign is for the residents of the Municipality of the County of Colchester.
Remember to fill out your data card at the end of your clean up!
This important step allows us to determine the impact of your efforts, as well as what kinds of litter troubles our communities.
Please Note: For safety reasons, clean ups along 100-series Highways, ON and EXIT ramps are NOT permitted through the Colchester Clean Program.