Early Bird Registration Prizes
The first 100 registrants each receive a free Colchester Clean t-shirt.
The first five (5) non-profit organizations could receive a $500 donation pdf Click here for non-profit eligibility requirements. (113 KB)
The first five (5) recognized sports teams could receive a $500 donation pdf Click here for sports team eligibility requirements. (113 KB)
For safety reasons, clean ups along 100-series Highways, ON and EXIT ramps are NOT permitted through the Colchester Clean Program.
Litter Drop Off Locations
Each registered volunteer will receive a Gold Card in their Litter Kit. The Colchester Clean Gold Pass allow residents to take garbage and recycling bags to the Balefill Facility at 188 Mingo Rd in Kemptown, which was collected in the Colchester Clean Litter Program. The Gold Card will also have information and locations of the litter bins for drop-off.
Clear Bags Only, No Household Garbage
Please note: Clear bags only for garbage. Residents are encouraged to clean up individually or in small groups. Bags of litter that have been collected during the Colchester Clean event starting April 22nd and running for two (2) weeks can be divided amongst the group and added to your regular bi-weekly garbage collection. Colchester Clean Rudy the Raccoon stickers can be placed on your garbage bags if plan to put your collected materials curbside for collection (with the rudy stickers you won't be deemed over the limit). Colchester Clean Rudy the Raccoon stickers can be found in your litter kits.