Municipalities of Cumberland and Colchester Getting Major Rural Broadband Network
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- Category: Media Releases
- Published: Friday, 07 February 2020 08:50
The Municipalities of Cumberland and Colchester have taken a huge step toward their goal of being one of Canada’s most digitally connected rural places. They are teaming up with Xplornet Communications and Develop Nova Scotia on a high-speed internet project that will see $60 million invested in the region.
Xplornet will deploy nearly 700 kilometres of optic fibre to offer up to 100 Mbps fibre-to-home and fixed wireless services on their network, which will reach more than 21 700 currently underserved households and businesses. A further 2300 addresses will have access to improved satellite service that will reach up to 50 Mbps by the completion of the full network. The three-year project is aiming for 100% high-speed availability in Cumberland and Colchester.
Read more: Municipalities of Cumberland and Colchester Getting Major Rural Broadband Network
Province Funds Colchester Projects to Reduce Emissions
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- Category: Media Releases
- Published: Wednesday, 05 February 2020 08:50
The Province is helping to reduce emissions in Colchester County by investing in two new clean energy and transportation projects.
Finance and Treasury Board Minister Karen Casey, on behalf of Energy and Mines Minister Derek Mombourquette, recently announced a total of $170,000 for two projects under the Low Carbon Communities Program.
“Nova Scotia continues to be a national leader in reducing emissions to fight climate change,” said Ms. Casey. “Communities across the province understand the urgency and importance of reducing emissions, and they want to do their part to benefit from Nova Scotia’s cleaner energy future. These investments support innovative local ideas that will help grow the green economy and create jobs in every part of our province.”
The Municipality of Colchester will receive $100,000 to design a pedestrian and active transportation bridge at the Fundy Discovery Site in Lower Truro to link a network of trails north and south of the Salmon River.
The Municipality will also receive $70,000 to develop a community energy emissions plan to help guide Colchester to a low-carbon future.
“These projects are wonderful examples of Colchester County’s commitment to active transportation, sustainability, and carbon reduction. We’re happy to be doing our part to address climate change while promoting healthy living and an enhanced visitor experience at the Fundy Discovery Site,” said Christine Blair, Mayor of the Municipality of Colchester.
For more information contact Devin Trefry at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 902-897-3182.
Council's Ruling Regarding Personnel Matter
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- Category: Media Releases
- Published: Friday, 31 January 2020 09:54
At its meeting on January 30, 2020, Council for the Municipality of the County of Colchester received the findings of an investigation carried out by Rebekah Powell, an independent investigator, into a complaint by an employee of the Municipality of the County of Colchester as a result of a comment made by Councillor Robert “Bob” Pash, District 9.
The Municipality took the complaint seriously, moving immediately to retain the investigator and ensuring the matter was addressed in a timely way. In the course of the investigation, and in the absence of a Code of Conduct, reference was made to the Municipality’s Respectful Workplace Policy, the law on harassment and sexual harassment as well as provisions of the Human Rights Act.
Colchester Leads Waste Management Change Abroad
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- Category: Media Releases
- Published: Wednesday, 29 January 2020 10:01
Darlyne Proctor, Waste Reduction Manager with the Municipality of Colchester is one of two Canadian solid waste management technical advisors assisting a foreign-aid initiative in the Middle East called the Jordan Municipal Support Project. She recently returned from her third visit to Jordan since 2018 as one of several Colchester County representatives that have provided peer support to rural municipalities facing capacity challenges from the influx of refugees welcomed into the country. Proctor reflects on her experiences and how the project has assisted Jordan’s waste management practices in an article released by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM): No Time to Waste.
The Municipality of Colchester is one of three municipalities representing Canada in this multi-year project and was selected for its achievement in solid waste management, including diversion, recycling, and public education initiatives.
Other delegation members who have travelled to Jordan since the project’s inception include Colchester County Mayor Christine Blair, Councillor Tom Taggart, Councillor Eric Boutilier, Economic Development Officer, Mark Austin, and Chief Administrative Officer, Rob Simonds. The Jordan Municipal Support Project is implemented by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and funded by Global Affairs Canada.
For more information see Federation of Canadian Municipalities Article: No Time to Waste Or contact Devin Trefry at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 902-897-3182
Colchester Recognized for Contribution to New CMHA Building
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- Category: Media Releases
- Published: Friday, 29 November 2019 11:09
The Municipality of Colchester was recently recognized for its $100,000 contribution to the Colchester - East Hants Branch of the Canadian Mental Health Association’s new building.
On behalf of Council, Colchester Mayor Christine Blair and Deputy Mayor Geoff Stewart attended a reception held Thursday, November 28, that involved the unveiling of an art-piece identifying the many supporters of the project.
Read more: Colchester Recognized for Contribution to New CMHA Building
New Brand for Municipality of Colchester
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- Category: Media Releases
- Published: Monday, 30 September 2019 11:20
Colchester County Council approved a pdf new brand for the Municipality (2.67 MB) at their Council meeting held on September 26, 2019. The new logo and tagline “be centred here” are part of an effort to improve public engagement, build a strong sense of pride in the community, and promote the County as a desirable place to live, work, and visit.
“The Municipality had been using its coat-of-arms as a logo for quite some time. Our Council felt that it was time for something new that better represented the vibrancy and diversity of our community,” said Christine Blair, Mayor. “We’ll continue to use the coat-of-arms for formal purposes, though you will soon begin seeing our new look more prominently throughout our communications.”