Polystyrene: Where Does it Go?

Where Does it Go? Tour the Colchester Materials Recovery Facility

Tips to Reduce Single Use

Composting in Colchester County

Food Waste in Canada

Waste Not News Episode 3: Food Waste at Home

Ever wondered why food sometimes becomes waste before it hits your plate? Divert NS’ new educational video series for Grade 6 students follows investigative journalist, Sam Sortright as she takes a deep dive into what causes food waste and what kids can do to help. www.divertNS.ca/education/fighting-food-waste

Recycling Facts for Kids

What are some things that can be recycled? We can recycle plastic, paper, glass and aluminum. Plastic takes approximately 1000 years to decompose so it is important that we recycle our plastic bottles and containers properly. We can use aluminum straws or compostable paper straws to reduce single use plastic straws. Glass bottles and jars can be use to reduce single use plastic containers. You can store your leftovers in glass jars. Did you know is takes approximately 8 weeks to melt an aluminum can and make it into a new one. Aluminum is one of the most important material to recycle, aluminum can be recycled over and over again. Nearly 75 percent of all aluminum produced is still in use today. Remember all recyclables must be clean and dry.

Composting for Kids

Composting is very important. This video answers important questions for example: What is compost? What can we compost? What goes into your compost bin at school? What happens after the compost leaves your school? Fun facts about Composting Cycle. The Colchester Compost Facility receives and processes approximately 7,500 MT of compost both Commercial and Residential.